A low-cost reusable phantom for ultrasound-guided subclavian vein cannulation
Varun Cheruparambath, Lakshmikanthan N. Deshikar, Haji Mohammed Ismail, Krishna Bhuvana
Keywords :
Central venous cannulation, gelatin phantom, subclavian vein, ultrasound-guided
Citation Information :
Cheruparambath V, Deshikar LN, Ismail HM, Bhuvana K. A low-cost reusable phantom for ultrasound-guided subclavian vein cannulation. Indian J Crit Care Med 2012; 16 (3):163-165.
Guidelines support the use of ultrasound (US)-guided central venous cannulation in the intensive care unit. Traditional techniques based on anatomical landmarks are blind procedures and inexpert USG procedures may be hazardous. Commercially available phantoms for simulation and training are expensive. The technique of making a low-cost reusable gelatin phantom which simulates subclavian vein anatomy is described. Techniques to improve eye-hand skills with this phantom are described. This phantom is easy to make, inexpensive and easily renewable.
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Available from: http://www.bluephantom.com/details.aspx?pid=64andcid=524, Accessed Feb 9 2011.
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