Guidelines for end-of-life and palliative care in Indian intensive care units: ISCCM consensus Ethical Position Statement
R. Chawla, F. Kapadia, R. Rajagopalan, P. Amin, P. Khilnani, S. Prayag, R. Uttam, J.V. Divatia, S.N. Myatra, S.K. Todi
Citation Information :
Chawla R, Kapadia F, Rajagopalan R, Amin P, Khilnani P, Prayag S, Uttam R, Divatia J, Myatra S, Todi S. Guidelines for end-of-life and palliative care in Indian intensive care units: ISCCM consensus Ethical Position Statement. Indian J Crit Care Med 2012; 16 (3):166-181.
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