Citation Information :
Ratnamani MS, Rao R. Elizabethkingia meningoseptica : Emerging nosocomial pathogen in bedside hemodialysis patients. Indian J Crit Care Med 2013; 17 (5):304-307.
Elizabethkingia meningoseptica, a ubiquitous gram-negative aerobic bacillus, is an emerging hospital acquired pathogen in patients on dialysis. It has been isolated in the hospital environment in water supplies, disinfectants, and medical devices. We present here an analysis of eight healthcare-acquired infections with this organism in adults. To the best of our our knowledge, this is the first report of infections with this organism in patients on hemodialysis. Materials and Methods: Over a 6-month period, eight patients were infected with E. meningoseptica in our hospital. These patients had bacteremia and lower respiratory tract infection. All these patients were on on mechanical ventilation and undergoing bedside hemodialysis in the intensive care unit (ICU). Environmental surveillance was done to detect the possible source. Results: These patients had a common denominator of bedside hemodialysis, and use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. E. meningoseptica was isolated from the water and sink of the ICU. Conclusion: E. meningoseptica is emerging as a nosocomial pathogen among patients on hemodialysis. Its unusual resistance pattern coupled with inherent resistance to colistin makes this organism difficult to treat unless susceptibility patterns are available. Isolation of this organism in handwash sink and water is a significant finding as they have been reported to survive in chlorinated water. Disinfecting the sinks and using filtered water for hand washing in critical areas may help in preventing infections with this organism.
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