Perioperative management of two cases of hemophilia with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage undergoing emergency craniotomy in resource constrained setup of Nepal
Gentle Sunder Shrestha, B. Poudyal, A. S. Bhattarai, P. S. Shrestha, G. Sedain, N. Acharya
Keywords :
craniotomy, hemophilia, intracerebral hemorrhage, perioperative care
Citation Information :
Shrestha GS, Poudyal B, Bhattarai AS, Shrestha PS, Sedain G, Acharya N. Perioperative management of two cases of hemophilia with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage undergoing emergency craniotomy in resource constrained setup of Nepal. Indian J Crit Care Med 2014; 18 (11):754-756.
Patients with hemophilia are prone to develop spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage. It carries a significant risk of morbidity and mortality. In this case series, we report two cases of hemophilia who suffered spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage with features of raised intracranial pressure and were successfully managed perioperatively. The patients were managed with early intensive care unit management, measures to reduce intracranial pressure, perioperative clotting factor administration, airway management and surgery to decrease the raised intracranial pressure. Both patients improved following surgery and were discharged home. Perioperative multidisciplinary management of hemophilia is discussed in this series.
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