Early plasmapheresis in patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia induced acute pancreatitis
George Alexander, Sudhish Sehra, Rajesh Agarwal
Keywords :
Hypertriglyceridemia, plasmaphresis, severe acute pancreatitits
Citation Information :
Alexander G, Sehra S, Agarwal R. Early plasmapheresis in patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia induced acute pancreatitis. Indian J Crit Care Med 2015; 19 (8):487-489.
Hypertriglyceridemia can cause severe diseases such as acute pancreatitis (AP) and coronary artery disease. The routine management of hypertriglyceridemia is dietary restriction of fat and lipid-lowering medications to manage the secondary or precipitating causes of hypertriglyceridemia. However, in cases of AP with severe hypertriglyceridemia (SHTG) (triglycerides [TG] >1000 mg/dl) rapid reduction of TG levels to well below 1000 mg/dl can improve outcome and prevent further episodes of pancreatitis. Plasmapheresis is a therapeutic option in such medical emergencies. We discussed 2 cases of severe AP with SHTG where we used early plsmapheresis along with other supportive management.
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