Citation Information :
Kumar KV, Kumar SP. Bilateral acute angle closure glaucoma following a snake bite: Are we missing it?. Indian J Crit Care Med 2016; 20 (1):40-43.
Introduction: We report a case series of acute angle closure following snake bite, their clinical features, treatment, and the outcomes.
Materials and Methods: Ocular examination was done in all the snake bite victims admitted over 1-year period. The systemic status, presenting intraocular pressure (IOP), treatment instituted, and outcomes were recorded for all cases of acute angle closure.
Results: Six patients developed angle closure following snake bite. Average IOP was in the range of 32-56 mmHg. Treatment was initiated as for cases of acute angle closure. Two patients succumbed and the other four recovered, had normal IOP at follow-up.
Conclusion: Acute angle closure glaucoma is a rare complication of snake bite. Timely detection and management will result in good visual prognosis. Treating physicians should be aware of this rare sight-threatening complication so that a preliminary ophthalmic examination can be sought and the visual morbidity be prevented.
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