Enhancing hospital well-being and minimizing intensive care unit trauma: Cushioning effects of psychosocial care
Usha Chivukula, Meena Hariharan, Suvashisa Rana, Marlyn Thomas, Asher Andrew
Keywords :
Coronary artery bypass grafting, hospital well-being, Intensive Care Unit trauma, psychosocial care
Citation Information :
Chivukula U, Hariharan M, Rana S, Thomas M, Andrew A. Enhancing hospital well-being and minimizing intensive care unit trauma: Cushioning effects of psychosocial care. Indian J Crit Care Med 2017; 21 (10):640-645.
Context: Hospitalization has the potential to induce hospital anxiety, while admission in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is found to surpass the anxiety and result in what is termed as “ICU Trauma.”
Aims: This study aimed to determine the impact of psychosocial care and quality of ICU on ICU trauma and hospital well-being in patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).
Settings and Design: This correlational study involved 250 CABG patients, who were recruited from five major corporate hospitals.
Participants and Methods: The ICU Psychosocial Care Scale, Hospital Wellbeing Scale, and ICU Trauma Scale were used. Each of the participants was assessed individually. The ICU Practices Checklist was used to assess the environment of the ICU in the hospital.
Statistical Analysis Used: Descriptive statistics, correlation, and simple and multiple linear regression analyses were done.
Results: The results revealed the significant contribution of psychosocial care in ICU in enhancing hospital well-being as well as minimizing ICU trauma of patients who underwent CABG. The results of multiple regressions clearly indicated that psychosocial care was a powerful predictor of hospital well-being and ICU trauma.
Conclusions: Although psychosocial care was not a component of hospital well-being and had a negative correlation with ICU trauma, it contributed significantly with a cushioning effect to minimize trauma and helped enhance the feelings and experiences of well-being among patients in ICU.
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