Citation Information :
Daniel AK, Nandini S, Thirunarayan MA. Melioidosis: An emerging infection with fatal outcomes. Indian J Crit Care Med 2017; 21 (6):397-400.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from being nonendemic for melioidosis, India has now become endemic for the disease since 2012. Until then, melioidosis cases were being reported sporadically from India. There have been isolated case reports from few states across the country for the past few years. Most of the times, Burkholderia pseudomallei may be misreported as Pseudomonas species, especially in resource-poor laboratories. Due to its varied clinical presentation, the specific clinical diagnosis can be difficult, thereby making laboratory diagnosis mandatory. This could make a huge impact on patient care as this organism has a different treatment protocol as well as virulence determinants which influence the course of management. Although known for its endemicity in Australia, Thailand, and other Southeast Asian countries, B. pseudomallei has emerged in new areas such as India, Southern China, Brazil, and Malawi. We present a rare case of melioidosis with rapid disease progression to fatal outcome from Chennai, South India.
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