Pattern and outcome of obstetric admissions into the intensive care unit of a Southeast Nigerian Hospital
Benjamin Ozumba, Leonard Ajah, Vitus Obi, Uche Umeh, Joseph Enebe, Kingsley Obioha
Keywords :
Critical obstetric cases, Intensive Care Unit, obstetric admissions, South-East Nigeria
Citation Information :
Ozumba B, Ajah L, Obi V, Umeh U, Enebe J, Obioha K. Pattern and outcome of obstetric admissions into the intensive care unit of a Southeast Nigerian Hospital. Indian J Crit Care Med 2018; 22 (1):16-19.
Background and Aims: Although pregnancy and labor are considered physiological processes, the potential for catastrophic complications is constant and may develop rapidly. There is growing evidence that admission of high-risk patients into the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is associated with a reduction in maternal mortality. This study was aimed at reviewing all obstetric patients admitted into the ICU.
Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study of all obstetric patients who were admitted into the ICU between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2013.
Results: There were 89 obstetric patients admitted and managed at the ICU out of 5176 deliveries, thereby accounting for 1 admission in 58 deliveries. Majority of the patients were between 26 and 30 years, primiparous, and unbooked. The indications for ICU admission in this study were ruptured uterus (36.0%), eclampsia (22.5%), obstetric hemorrhage (19.1%), septicemia (10.1%), severe preeclampsia (6.7%), and obstructed labor (6.7%). The maternal and perinatal mortality was 13.5% and 47.2%, respectively. Maternal unbooked status was significantly associated with maternal mortality (P &FNx01#60; 0.05).
Conclusion: Ruptured uterus was the most common indication for ICU admission in the center. Maternal mortality was significantly associated with unbooked status. This underscores the importance of booking for antenatal care, prompt presentation at the hospital during emergencies, skilled birth attendance, and provision of adequate facilities for the management of critical obstetric cases in this environment.
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