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Nagendra CV, Kumar TS, Bohra V, Karan V, Huded V. Factors affecting the effective management of acute stroke: A prospective observational study. Indian J Crit Care Med 2018; 22 (3):138-143.
Background : Stroke, characterized by sudden loss of cerebral function, is among one of the leading cause of death and disability world over. The newer treatment modalities have changed the landscape of stroke treatment but are very much time bound.
Aim: To characterize pre-hospital and in-hospital factors affecting acute stroke management thus defining lacunae in stroke management.
Subjects and Methods: A prospective observational study, conducted at the emergency department of a tertiary care center in southern India from August 2015 to July 2016. All stroke patients presenting within first 24 hours of onset were included. A pre -defined Knowledge-Attitude-Practice (KAP) questionnaire was used.
Results: Total of 133 patients were eligible out of which 28 were excluded for various reasons. Majority were >60 years age and male (61%). About 60% arrived within window. Distance from the hospital was one of the major factors for arrival within the window period. When compared by KAP questionnaire, bystanders of those arriving within window period had better awareness of stroke symptoms.
Conclusions: Improving awareness of stroke symptoms and increasing availability of EMS is likely increase chances of stroke patients receiving appropriate acute management.
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