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Gupta A, Baveja U, Tandon N, Patel S, Saigal S, Soin A. Epidemiological analysis of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing bacterial infections in adult live donor liver transplant patients. Indian J Crit Care Med 2018; 22 (4):290-296.
Introduction: Bacterial infections are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients receiving solid-organ transplants. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) pathogens are the most important pathogenic bacteria infecting these patients.
Aim: This study aims to evaluate for the incidence and characteristics of ESBL-positive organism, to look for the clinical outcomes in ESBL-positive infected cases, and to evaluate and draft the antibiotic policy in posttransplant patients during the first 28 days posttransplant.
Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective data analysis of liver transplant recipients infected with ESBL culture-positive infections. All the culture sites such as blood, urine, and endotracheal tube aspirates were screened for the first ESBL infection they had and noted. This data were collected till day 28 posttransplant. The antibiotic susceptibility pattern and the most common organism were also noted.
Results: A total of 484 patients was screened and 116 patients had ESBL-positive cultures. Out of these, 54 patients had infections and 62 patients were ESBL colonizers. The primary infection site was abdominal fluid (40.7%), with Klebsiella accounting for most of the ESBL infections. Colistin was the most sensitive antibiotic followed by tigecycline. The overall mortality was 11.4% and 31 out of 54 ESBL-infected patients died.
Conclusions: Infections with ESBL-producing organism in liver transplant recipients has a high mortality and very limited therapeutic options.
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