Verapamil as an Adjuvant Treatment for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
S. Lakshmikanthcharan, S. K. Chaitanya Juluri, Sivakumar Mundilipayalam Nandakumar
Keywords :
P-glycoprotein, pharmacoresistance, status epilepticus
Citation Information :
Lakshmikanthcharan S, Chaitanya Juluri SK, Nandakumar SM. Verapamil as an Adjuvant Treatment for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy. Indian J Crit Care Med 2018; 22 (9):680-682.
Almost one-third of the people suffering from epilepsy continue to have seizures in spite of using appropriate antiepileptics. Pharmacoresistance is defined as the failure to achieve seizure control with two or more anticonvulsant medications at appropriate daily dosage. Here, we discuss one such gentleman whose seizures had been intractable despite multiple antiepileptic drugs in maximum tolerable doses. Verapamil, a calcium channel blocker, was used for its P-glycoprotein inhibition properties to overcome the pharmacoresistance in this patient with satisfactory seizure control. There are a few studies with limited patients on the successful usage of verapamil in a patient with pharmacoresistant status epilepticus (SE). We intend to publish this case report to draw interest among the critical care physicians on pharmacoresistant SE, the different hypotheses that prevail, its causes and the available management strategies.
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