Keywords :
Family satisfaction, Intensive care, Questionnaire
Citation Information :
JanardhanIyengar SM, Venkateshmurthy BM, Katari Y. Family Satisfaction in a Medical College Multidisciplinary Intensive Care Unit (ICU)—How Can We Improve?. Indian J Crit Care Med 2019; 23 (2):83-88.
Background and Aims: In recent years, patient and family-centered implications are being recognized as important outcome measures and one of the quality indicators of health care system worldwide. Most of the Intensive Care Unit patients cannot make decisions themselves, accordingly family members are surrogate decision-makers and judges of care quality. This study was conducted as a prospective observational study using Family Satisfaction-Intensive Care Unit questionnaire to ascertain the level of family satisfaction of care and their involvement in the decision making process of their patient's treatment.
Materials and methods: The study was conducted over 3 months with 100 family members by FS-ICU questionnaire survey method. After 48 hours of ICU admission, the questionnaire was administered to an eligible family member by a resident who was not involved in the treatment of the patient, in a language understood by them (English/Kannada). Each question was scored using 5 point Likert response Scale and the scores were transformed into 0 (least satisfied) to 100 (most satisfied) scale.
Results: Satisfaction with overall care was 65.31±23.62 (FS-ICU/Care). Satisfaction with decision making process was 73.06±22.154 (FS-ICU/ DM). Individual factors which contributed to lower scores were management of pain and agitation of the patient, waiting room atmosphere and emotional support.
Conclusion: This study identified the individual factors which contributed to the high and low satisfaction scores. With this baseline data as reference, there is scope to enhance the aspects of quality care for patients and their family members.
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