Impact of Nursing Education on CLABSI Rates: An Experience from a Tertiary Care Hospital in Eastern India
Ranjita Acharya, Snigdha Ipsita
Keywords :
Central line associated bloodstream infections, hand hygiene
Citation Information :
Acharya R, Ipsita S. Impact of Nursing Education on CLABSI Rates: An Experience from a Tertiary Care Hospital in Eastern India. Indian J Crit Care Med 2019; 23 (7):316-319.
Background and Aims: Central line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) have a higher incidence in the intensive care units of developing countries.
Materials and Methods: The baseline CLABSI rate in intensive care unit (ICU) was evaluated for 6 months. An educational program for nurses on basic hand hygiene steps was conducted. Objective assessment tests were done to assess their knowledge and percentage of non-compliance with hand hygiene practice. CLABSI rate over the post-intervention 6 month period was assessed.
Results: Thirty-four nurses were enrolled. The pre-intervention CLABSI rate was 12.5 per 1000 catheter days, pretest score15.9 +/- 3.35 and 53.4% opportunities for hand hygiene were missed. Post workshop, there was significant (p=0.02) decrease in CLABSI rate i.e. 8.6, improvement in test score17.76+/-2.1(p=0.011) and missed opportunities decreased to 33.75%. 6 months post intervention, percentage of noncompliance with hand hygiene practice were 51.75% and test score was 17 ± 2.
Discussion: The effectiveness of educational program on hand hygiene compliance was reflected in the improvement of posttest score, reduced number of missed opportunities and reduction of CLABSI rates in ICU. The posttest scores and hand hygiene compliance, however, decreased 6 months post-intervention necessitating repeated feedbacks and reminders.
Conclusion: Educational interventions on hand hygiene can have a significant impact in CLABSI control particularly in ICUs with a high infection rate and resource constraints.
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