Citation Information :
Menon R, Venkatraman R. Therapeutic Plasma Exchange Practices in Intensive Care Unit. Indian J Crit Care Med 2019; 23 (7):336-338.
Objective: To observe the indications, practices and outcome of therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) in a tertiary care ICU.
Materials and Methods: The study involves retrospective analysis of 56 patients who underwent TPE between May 2011 and August 2013. Data relating to demographics, diagnosis, category of indication, number of sessions, volume and type of replacement solutions were collected.
Results: Category I indications were 50%, with a mean of 3.32 sessions per patient. Per session volume exchanged was 9775.1 ± 11812.9 mL and replacement volume was 7414 ± 6993.03 mL. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP), crystalloids, cryopoorplasma and PRBC constituted 62.9%, 22%, 9.9% and 5.3% of volume replacement, respectively. TPE was terminated in three patients for Transfusion Associated Acute Lung Injury (TRALI), hypotension and cardiac arrest respectively. Clinical improvement was noted in 82% of patients and overall mortality rate was 12.5%.
Conclusion: TPE is feasible and well tolerated in ICU with favorable disease resolution and outcome. Common indications included sickle cell and myasthenia crisis and blood products were the most commonly used for volume replacement.
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