Background: This study was designed to evaluate the patient characteristics and outcomes of in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA). Materials and methods: We carried out a single-center, 5-year, retrospective chart review and analysis of resuscitation data for age, gender, body mass index (BMI), length of stay (LOS) until cardiac arrest, survival of initial IHCA, survival to hospital discharge, primary medical service, and determination of the etiology of cardiac arrest. Results: A total of 500 cases occurred with a mean LOS of 8.5 days until the initial IHCA. Overall, 79.5% survived the initial IHCA and 32.4% survived to discharge. As LOS increased, there was an increase in the proportion of pulmonary and metabolic etiologies. Logistic regression analysis adjusting for BMI, gender, age, LOS, and primary medical service were on a surgical service significant for survival to discharge (p = 0.0007) and LOS <9 days significant for survival of IHCA (p = 0.018). Conclusion: There are a number of causes of IHCA, and the incidence of death and respiratory related IHCA etiologies increase with LOS. Length of stay carries the highest weight when predicting survival of IHCA. Also, there is a higher rate of survival to discharge when on a primary surgical service.
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