Predictors of Acute Kidney Injury and Mortality in Intensive Care Unit at a Teaching Tertiary Hospital_ID
Justor Banda, Natasha Chenga, Suwilanji Nambaya, Tela Bulaya, Seter Siziya
Keywords :
Acute kidney injury, Intensive care unit, Mortality, Predictors
Citation Information :
Banda J, Chenga N, Nambaya S, Bulaya T, Siziya S. Predictors of Acute Kidney Injury and Mortality in Intensive Care Unit at a Teaching Tertiary Hospital_ID. Indian J Crit Care Med 2020; 24 (2):116-121.
Background and aims: Despite the increased rates of acute kidney injury (AKI) in intensive care units (ICU) and associated mortality, information on the epidemiology of AKI is sparse in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). We investigated the rates and predictors of AKI and associated mortality in a tertiary ICU. Materials and methods: This retrospective study analyzed 280 hospital records of patients admitted to the ICU at a tertiary teaching hospital who were aged ≥15 years from January 2017 to May 31, 2018. The outcome parameters of the study were rates of AKI in the ICU, associated risk factors, and mortalities. Acute kidney injury and ICU mortality were established by the multivariate logistic analysis. Results: The median age was 36 years (IQR 28, 52). The rate of AKI was 52.9%, and the presence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and oliguria was 2.3-fold (0.004) and 4-fold (0.016) positive predictors of ICU-AKI, respectively. Male gender (0.003), diabetes mellitus (DM) (0.010), respiratory disease (0.001), inotropes (0.004), and ventilator support (0.017) were predictors for ICU mortality after controlling for confounders. Conclusion: The rate of AKI is significantly higher in a referral tertiary hospital in Zambia compared to developed countries and the presence of HIV and noncommunicable diseases such as DM impacts severely on outcomes.
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