Burnout among Healthcare Workers during COVID-19 Pandemic in India: Results of a Questionnaire-based Survey
Bhagyashree S Dhakulkar, Hitendra C Mahajan, Atul P Kulkarni
Citation Information :
Dhakulkar BS, Mahajan HC, Kulkarni A P. Burnout among Healthcare Workers during COVID-19 Pandemic in India: Results of a Questionnaire-based Survey. Indian J Crit Care Med 2020; 24 (8):664-671.
Background: Burnout, a state of physical and emotional exhaustion, in healthcare workers (HCWs) is a major concern. The prevalence of burnout, due to COVID-19 pandemic in India, is unknown. We therefore conducted this survey. Materials and methods: A questionnaire-based survey using Copenhagen Burnout Inventory was carried out among HCWs looking after COVID-19 patients. Questionnaire was sent to the HCWs, using WhatsApp Messenger, and voluntary participation was sought. We received responses from 2026 HCWs. Burnout was assessed in personal, work, and client-related (COVID-19 pandemic-related) domains. Burnout was defined at a cut-off score of 50 for each domain. Results: The prevalence of personal burnout was 44.6% (903), work-related burn-out was only 26.9% (544), while greater than half of the respondents (1,069, 52.8%) had pandemic-related burnout. Younger respondents (21–30 years) had higher personal and work-related burnout. The prevalence of personal and work-related burnout was significantly (p < 0.01) higher among females. The doctors were 1.64 times, and the support staff were 5 times more likely to experience pandemic-related burnout. Conclusion: There is a significant prevalence of burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic among HCWs, in particular, doctors and support staff. Female respondents had higher prevalence. We suggest that the management should be proactive and supportive in improving working conditions and providing assurance to the HCWs. The long-term effects of the current pandemic need to be assessed later.
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