Dichlorvos Poisoning: A Mystery Case of Distributive Shock Unraveling with Atropine
Sumanyu Suresh
Citation Information :
Suresh S. Dichlorvos Poisoning: A Mystery Case of Distributive Shock Unraveling with Atropine. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021; 25 (3):337-339.
Hypotension can be explained by the cardiotoxic effects of an organophosphate poison, but a distributive shock is a rare event. This is a case report of a young north Indian man who presented to the emergency room in a comatose state and distributive shock. He was initially managed with intravenous crystalloids but required inotropic therapy to maintain the desired mean arterial pressure and organ perfusion and also required mechanical ventilation. He improved during the hospital stay only after 4 days when cocktail treatment of atropine was started considering the possibility of organophosphorus toxin exposure and had tapered off the inotropes and mechanical ventilation. Dichlorvos ingestion was confirmed later on after recovery from the coma. At 4-week follow-up, he developed delayed neuropathy. This case is a torchlight toward organophosphorus poisoning presenting as a distributive shock. Atropine may be used as a cocktail treatment in distributive shock where the diagnosis is uncertain.
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