Stress Level and Its Determinants among Staff (Doctors and Nurses) Working in the Critical Care Unit
Vishwanath C Patil, Sanjivani V Patil, Shivakumar S Iyer
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Patil VC, Patil SV, Iyer SS. Stress Level and Its Determinants among Staff (Doctors and Nurses) Working in the Critical Care Unit. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021; 25 (8):886-889.
Background: Very few extensive studies regarding job stressors among doctors and nurses have been conducted in India. It is important to explore the workplace to understand various stressors that adversely affect the well-being of an individual and also affect health care and needs of patients and relatives. Considering this, the present study was planned to determine stress among doctors and nurses from the critical care unit (CCU) and to find the association of stress with selected variables.
Materials and methods: This observational cross-sectional study was conducted among all staff (doctors and nurses) from the CCU. Data were collected with a pilot-tested, predesigned, validated questionnaire using the Google survey tool consisting of sociodemographic details and the ICMR work stress questionnaire. Analysis of data was done with SPSS version 25.
Results: Of 105 participants, 57 (54.3%) were doctors and 48 (45.7%) were nurses. A total of 48.6% (51) of participants scored 32 of 64, that is, managed stress very well, and 51.4% of participants (54) scored 65 of 95, that is, having a reasonably safe level of stress, but certain areas need improvement.
Conclusion: Stress was significantly more among females and those who have sleep problems. No statistically significant difference was found between the level of stress and age, relationship with seniors, exercise, and comorbidities.
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