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Fathallah I, Drira H, Habacha S, Kouraichi N. Can We Satisfy Family in Intensive Care Unit? A Tunisian Experience. Indian J Crit Care Med 2022; 26 (2):185-191.
Background: Communication improvement and family satisfaction in intensive care unit (ICU) are the main indicators of care quality. Our study aims were to evaluate family satisfaction in our intensive care and identify factors influencing the satisfaction level.
Materials and methods: We performed a descriptive prospective study in the ICU of Ben Arous régional hospital conducted between October 2016 and June 2018. We included parents of patients hospitalized for more than 48 hours, with available contact details and they agreed to reply to the questionnaire.
Results: One hundred and twelve family representatives were included. Ten (9%) were illiterate and 40 (36%) had a primary level education. Noninvasive ventilation and hemodialysis were, respectively, used in 53 and 9.8% of cases. Thirteen patients had sequelae at their hospital discharge. The median satisfaction score was 133.5 (120; 145.7). Ninety-five (85%) relatives were always satisfied with cleanliness of the unit. The medical and paramedical staff availability was appreciated as excellent, respectively, by 65 (56%) and 66 (59%) family members. The information provided by doctors and paramedical staff was considered very clear by 75 (65%) and 65 (58%) parents, respectively. The medical secret was respected by medical (n = 107) and paramedical (n = 105) staffs in most cases. Patient management was considered excellent by 90 (80%) parents. The level of satisfaction was lower when the parent interviewed was illiterate (p = 0.04) or had a primary-level education (p = 0.012), with hemodialysis resort (p = 0.011) and with the presence of sequelae at hospital discharge (p = 0.017).
Conclusion: Family members were satisfied with the unit environment, the communication, the healthcare management, and the patient care. Low education level, hemodialysis use, and sequelae at hospital discharge influence negatively the satisfaction.
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