Citation Information :
Adhikari SD, Rao S. Utility of the One-time HACOR Score as a Predictor of Weaning Failure from Mechanical Ventilation: A Prospective Observational Study. Indian J Crit Care Med 2022; 26 (8):900-905.
Aim: To determine the utility of the HACOR score in predicting weaning failure in resource-limited settings.
Objectives: The primary objective was to determine a cut-off value of the HACOR score, sensitivity, and specificity to predict failed weaning. The secondary objective was to determine which out of five components of the score was significantly different between the successful weaning and the failed weaning groups.
Introduction: Most weaning indices are either inaccurate or are dependent on complex ventilatory parameters, which are difficult to measure in resource-limited settings. This study aimed to determine the utility of the HACOR score consisting of heart rate, acidosis, consciousness level, oxygenation, and respiratory rate as a predictor of weaning in the intensive care unit.
Materials and methods: It was a prospective observational study on 120 patients between 18 and 90 years. The HACOR score was evaluated at 30 minutes of spontaneous breathing trial (SBT). The total duration of SBT was 120 minutes.
Results: Out of 120 patients, 83 (69.2%) had successful weaning, whereas 37 (30.8%) had weaning failure. The median and interquartile range (IQR) of the HACOR score in the successful weaning group was 2 (0–3) and 6 (5–8) in the failed weaning group (p-value <0.001). There was a significant difference in each of the five components of the HACOR score between the successful and failed weaning groups (p <0.05). HACOR score ≥5 predicted failed weaning, sensitivity 83.8%, specificity 96.4%, area under the curve (AUC) 0.950, and 95% confidence interval (CI) [0.907–0.993], p <0.001. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that HACOR score ≥5 is an independent predictor of weaning failure [p <0.001, 95% CI (1.9–4.2), adjusted odds ratio 2.82].
Conclusion: A HACOR score ≥5 is an excellent predictor of weaning failure. This score may be useful as a weaning strategy in the intensive care unit.
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