Evaluation of Direct Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing from Positive Flagged Blood Cultures in Sepsis Patients
Avneesh Sharma
Keywords :
Categorical agreement, Direct antimicrobial susceptibility testing, Enterobacterales, Essential agreement, Flagged blood culture, Gram-positive bacteria, Non-fermenters, Time to release report
Citation Information :
Sharma A. Evaluation of Direct Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing from Positive Flagged Blood Cultures in Sepsis Patients. Indian J Crit Care Med 2024; 28 (4):387-392.
Background: Presently, many laboratories are equipped with automated system for antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) for minimum inhibitory concentration-based reporting which enables the clinician to choose the right antimicrobial for timely treatment of sepsis. The study aimed to assess performance of direct AST from blood culture positive broth using automated AST system for accuracy and time taken to release the report. Materials and methods: The present study conducted in a 25-bedded ICU in North India for 12 months. Single morphotype of bacteria on gram stain from positively flagged blood culture bottles were included, which was directly identified (using an in-house protocol) with MALDI-TOF-MS from positive blood culture broths. DAST was carried out from 200 such blood culture broths and results were compared with reference AST (RAST) which was also done using VITEK-2 using overnight grown bacterial colonies as per standard protocol. Results: Among 60 isolates of Enterobacterales, 99% categorical agreement for both E. coli and K. pneumoniae observed by two methods were tested for AST. Among non-fermenters, Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed a categorical agreement of 99.6%, as compared with Acinetobacter spp. and exotic GNBs, which showed 95–96% agreement. A significant difference of 18–24 hours was noted in time to release the report between DAST and RAST, for GNB and GPC both. Conclusion: Direct AST from positive flagged blood culture bottles can significantly reduce the time to release the bacterial susceptibility report by up to 24 hours, at the same time maintaining the accuracy.
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