A prospective antibacterial utilization study in pediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary referral center
Siddharth P. Deshpande, Nithya J. Gogtay, Nitin B. Mali, Chandrahas T. Deshmukh, Urmila M. Thatte
Keywords :
Antibacterials, drug utilization, encounter, indicators, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Citation Information :
Deshpande SP, Gogtay NJ, Mali NB, Deshmukh CT, Thatte UM. A prospective antibacterial utilization study in pediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary referral center. Indian J Crit Care Med 2018; 22 (6):422-426.
Purpose: Antibacterials are commonly prescribed to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) patients. However, inappropriate antibacterial prescriptions lead to increases in antibacterial resistance, treatment cost, duration of treatment, and poor clinical outcome. The antibacterial utilization study assesses the prescription patterns and if necessary recommends the interventions to improve antibacterial prescriptions. Hence, the present prospective groundwork was conducted. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted over the period of 6 months (April 18 to October 20, 2014). The demographics and drug use details were captured daily from patients admitted to PICU to assess World Health Organization indicators. Results: A total of 200 patients enrolled, among them 119 males and 81 females. There were 12.46 (±6.16) drugs prescribed per patient, of which 2.38 (±1.48) were antibacterials. Among the total drug prescribed, 18.49% were antibacterials and 97% patients received at least one antibacterial. Ceftriaxone (49.48%) was the most commonly prescribed antibacterial, while imipenem (2.58%) and colistin (2.06%) use was very low. A total of 80.95% antibacterials were prescribed by generic name, 94.88% were administered intravenously, and 80.76% were prescribed from hospital pharmacy. The average length of PICU stay was 6.15 days (±6.20), the average length of antibacterial treatment was 6.08 days (±6.27), and the average length of empirical antibacterial treatment was 5.50 days (±5.40). The cost of antibacterial therapy per patient was Indian rupees 824.64 (±235.35). In 27 patients, bacterial culture test was positive and of whom 21 received antibacterials as per sensitivity pattern. Conclusions: The use of antibacterials was not indiscriminately high but more prescriptions per sensitivity pattern are required.
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