VOLUME 20 , ISSUE 8 ( 2016 ) > List of Articles
Jigeeshu V. Divatia, S. Janarthanan, Suhail Siddiqui, Harish K. Chaudhary, Natesh R. Prabu
Keywords : Complications, critically ill, intrahospital transport
Citation Information : Divatia JV, Janarthanan S, Siddiqui S, Chaudhary HK, Prabu NR. Complications and benefits of intrahospital transport of adult Intensive Care Unit patients. Indian J Crit Care Med 2016; 20 (8):448-452.
DOI: 10.4103/0972-5229.188190
License: CC BY-ND 3.0
Published Online: 01-02-2014
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2016; The Author(s).
Background: The transport of critically ill patients for procedures or tests outside the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is potentially hazardous; hence, the transport process must be organized and efficient. Plenty of data is available on pre- and inter-hospital transport of patients; the data on intrahospital transport of patients are limited. We audited the complications and benefits of intrahospital transport of critically ill patients in our tertiary care center over 6 months. Materials and Methods: One hundred and twenty adult critically ill cancer patients transported from the ICU for either diagnostic or therapeutic procedure over 6 months were included. The data collected include the destination, the accompanying person, total time spent outside the ICU, and any adverse events and adverse change in vitals. Results: Among the 120 adult patients, 5 (4.1%) required endotracheal intubation, 5 (4.1%) required intercostal drain placement, and 20 (16.7%) required cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Dislodgement of central venous catheter occurred in 2 (1.6%) patients, drain came out in 3 (2.5%) patients, orogastric tube came out in 1 (0.8%) patient, 2 (1.6%) patients self-extubated, and in one patient, tracheostomy tube was dislodged. The adverse events were more in patients who spent more than 60 min outside the ICU, particularly requirement of CPR (18 [25%] vs. 2 [4.2%], ≤60 min vs. >60 min, respectively) with P < 0.05. Transport led to change in therapy in 32 (26.7%) patients. Conclusion: Transport in critically ill cancer patients is more hazardous and needs adequate pretransport preparations. Transport in spite being hazardous may lead to a beneficial change in therapy in a significant number of patients.