Management of post-intubation tracheal membrane ruptures: A practical approach
Suveer Singh, Stefan Gurney
Keywords :
Bronchoscopy, cluster care, post intubation tracheal rupture, tracheal rupture
Citation Information :
Singh S, Gurney S. Management of post-intubation tracheal membrane ruptures: A practical approach. Indian J Crit Care Med 2013; 17 (2):99-103.
Tracheal rupture is an infrequent, severe complication of endotracheal intubation, which can be difficult to diagnose. Post-intubation tracheal rupture (PiTR) is distinct from non-iatrogenic causes of tracheobronchial trauma and often requires different treatment. The increasing adoption of pre-hospital emergency services increases the likelihood of such complications from emergency intubations. Effective management strategies for PiTR outside specialist cardiothoracic units are possible. Two cases of severe PiTR, successfully managed non-operatively on a general medical-surgical intensive care unit, illustrate a modified approach to current standards. The evidence base for PiTR is reviewed and a pragmatic management algorithm presented.
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