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VOLUME 18 , ISSUE 12 ( December, 2014 ) > List of Articles


Do Intensive Care Unit treatment modalities predict mortality in geriatric patients: An observational study from an Indian Intensive Care Unit

Manender Kumar Singla,, Anupam Shrivastava,, Namita Bansal

Keywords : Geriatrics, hemodialysis, Intensive Care Unit outcomes, inotropes, mechanical ventilation, tracheostomy

Citation Information : Singla, MK, Shrivastava, A, Bansal N. Do Intensive Care Unit treatment modalities predict mortality in geriatric patients: An observational study from an Indian Intensive Care Unit. Indian J Crit Care Med 2014; 18 (12):789-795.

DOI: 10.4103/0972-5229.146312

License: CC BY-ND 3.0

Published Online: 01-03-2009

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2014; The Author(s).


Background: Ageing being a global phenomenon, increasing number of elderly patients are admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICU). Hence, there is a need for continued research on outcomes of ICU treatment in the elderly. Objectives: Examine age-related difference in outcomes of geriatric ICU patients. Analyze ICU treatment modalities predicting mortality in patients >65 years of age. Materials and Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted in 2317 patients admitted in a multi-specialty ICU of a tertiary care hospital over 2-year study period from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2012. A clinical database was collected which included age, sex, specialty under which admitted, APACHE-II and SOFA scores, patient outcome, average length of ICU stay, and the treatment modalities used in ICU including mechanical ventilation, inotropes, hemodialysis, and tracheostomy. Patients were divided into two groups: <65 years (Control group) and >65 years (Geriatric age group). Results: The observed overall ICU mortality rate in the study population was 19.6%; no statistical difference was observed between the control and geriatric age group in overall mortality (P > 0.05). Mechanical ventilation (P = 0.003, odds ratio [OR] =0.573, 95% confidence interval [CI] =0.390-0.843) and use of inotropes (P = 0.018, OR = 0.661, 95% CI = 0.456-0.958) were found to be predictors of mortality in elderly population. On multivariate analysis, inotropic support was found to be an independent ICU treatment modality predicting mortality in the geriatric age group (β coefficient = 1.221, P = 0.000). Conclusion: Intensive Care Unit mortality rates increased in the geriatric population requiring mechanical ventilation and inotropes during ICU stay. Only inotropic support could be identified as independent risk factor for mortality.

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