VOLUME 9 , ISSUE 2 ( April, 2005 ) > List of Articles
R. K. Mani, S. Balakrishnan
Citation Information : Mani RK, Balakrishnan S. Utility of S-100B as a Potential Tool for Neuromonitoring and Prediction of Neuroworsening in Acute Phase of Traumatic Brain Injury. Panam J Trauma Crit Care Emerg Surg 2020; 9 (2):105-113.
DOI: 10.4103/0972-5229.17098
License: CC BY-ND 3.0
Published Online: 01-12-2009
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2005; The Author(s).
The absence of guidelines for withdrawal and withholding of life support in Indian law is perceived to be the most important obstacle to the practice of appropriate end of life care. In addition, physicians appear to be apprehensive about their civil or criminal liability when called upon to make decisions to limit life-supporting therapies. The following account explores the existing Constitutional and legal provisions that can reasonably be used by physicians in their defence. The article provides illustrative case histories that bring to focus the ethical dilemmas commonly faced by the physician. It also spells out the need for new legislation specifically addressing end-of-life issues.