Keywords :
Blood sugar, blood urea, delay, duration of peritonitis, Mannheim peritonitis index, perforation peritonitis, mortality, pH, serum creatinine, serum lactate levels, standard base excess
Citation Information :
Bhattacharya A, Singh R, Vajifdar H, Kumar N. Preoperative predictors of mortality in adult patients with perforation peritonitis. Indian J Crit Care Med 2011; 15 (3):157-163.
Introduction: There is paucity of data from India regarding the etiology, prognostic indicators, morbidity, and mortality patterns of perforation peritonitis. The objective of our study was to evaluate the predictors of mortality, preoperatively, for risk stratification of the patients and institution of an early goal-directed therapy. Materials and Methods: Eighty-four consecutive patients presenting with perforation peritonitis, in the age group of 14-70 years scheduled for emergency laparotomy were studied prospectively. The parameters studied were age and sex of the patients, associated co-morbidities, duration of symptoms, delay in initiating surgical intervention, and preoperative biochemical parameters such as hemoglobin, random blood sugar, blood urea, serum creatinine, pH, base excess, and serum lactate levels. In-hospital mortality was taken as the outcome. Results: We encountered a mortality of 17.8% in our study. Multiple linear (enter) regression identified the age, duration of symptoms, preoperative blood sugar levels, blood urea, serum creatinine levels, Mannheim Peritonitis Index, and the delay in instituting surgical intervention as independent predictors of mortality. Hyperlactatemia, acidosis and base excess were not found to be associated with mortality. Conclusion: Routine biochemical investigations, delay in presentation, and surgical intervention are good predictors of mortality. Recognizing such patients early may help the anesthesiologists in risk stratification and in providing an early goal-directed therapy.
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