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Kanmani TR, Thimmappur RM, Birudu R, N KR, Raj P. Burden and Psychological Distress of Intensive Care Unit Caregivers of Traumatic Brain Injury Patients. Indian J Crit Care Med 2019; 23 (5):220-223.
Aim: Admission to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a stressful event and unforeseen crisis for the caregivers. Burden and psychosocial distress among caregivers in the ICU were unexplored. Therefore, the current study was aimed to assess the caregivers’ burden and psychological distress among caregivers of traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients at emergency ICU during hospitalization.
Materials and Methods: A total of 60 caregivers recruited by using purposive sampling method with descriptive research design. Consent was obtained. Interview schedule of family for depression, anxiety, stress scale (DAS-21) were administered. The data were analyzed by using SPSS. Descriptive statistics and independent burden t-test were used.
Results: Results revealed that male caregivers (75%) and female caregivers (25%) took part in the study. Caregivers' mean age was found to be 35.22±11.29 years. Most of the TBI survivors admitted in ICU had severe injury (8.30±3.63). Mean scores showed that caregivers had experienced financial burden (6.28±2.36), severe depression (12.15±4.84), and a moderate level of anxiety (12.85±5.20). Independent t-test showed significant difference in caregiving burden between male and female caregivers at ICU (Male = 18.43±4.83; Female = 14.29±4.83; t = 2.16; p <0.035). Overall, caregivers experienced higher family burden and severe psychological distress at ICU.
Conclusion: There is an immediate need to assess psychological distress and family burden of caregivers at ICU and provide timely psychosocial intervention.
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