Citation Information :
Joseph MM, Benjamin R, Padmanabhan A, Bal D, Nair S. Successful Management of a Life-threatening Endotracheal Bleed with Angiographic Stenting. Indian J Crit Care Med 2020; 24 (3):210-211.
Several operative and postoperative complications have been reported after tracheostomy, including fatal hemorrhage from erosion of a major vessel. We present here a case of hemorrhage after a surgical tracheostomy. This case is being reported on account of the unusual etiology of the hemorrhage and associated high fatality rates. All concerned need to be aware of this complication and its emergency management.
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Hsu Y-C, Huang Y-C, Hsu C-W. Tracheo-carotid artery fistula: an unusual cause of tracheostomy bleeding. QJM 2016;109(3):209–210. DOI: 10.1093/qjmed/hcv210.