Massive Cerebral Air Embolism Causing Stroke Secondary to Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Abderrahmane Bouaggad, Mohammed Moussaoui, Omar Abassi, Samah Hassen, Fatiha Essodegui
Citation Information :
Bouaggad A, Moussaoui M, Abassi O, Hassen S, Essodegui F. Massive Cerebral Air Embolism Causing Stroke Secondary to Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Indian J Crit Care Med 2021; 25 (8):942-944.
Cerebral air embolism due to pulmonary tuberculosis is an extremely rare cause of stroke. We report an unusual case of a presentation of cerebral air embolism likely due to pulmonary tuberculosis lesions during a severe cough. We discuss the relationship between the pulmonary tuberculosis and the occurrence of the cerebral air embolism. A 55-year-old man with lung tuberculosis suddenly experienced a nontraumatic loss of consciousness after a severe cough. The magnetic resonance imaging confirmed an ischemic stroke due to cerebral air embolism. The thoracic scan revealed tuberculosis with a parenchymatous cavity. Patients with intrapulmonary tuberculosis cavities should be strongly considered for surgical repair and should be warned about the risk of rupture of the cavity in the situation of increasing thoracic pressure.
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