Simplified Legal Procedure for End-of-life Decisions in India: A New Dawn in the Care of the Dying?
Roopkumar Gursahani
Keywords :
Advance care planning, Comfort care, End-of-life care, End-of-life care foregoing of life support, Intensive care unit, Medical ethics, Medico legal issues, Palliative care, Withdrawal and withholding ethics
Citation Information :
Gursahani R. Simplified Legal Procedure for End-of-life Decisions in India: A New Dawn in the Care of the Dying?. Indian J Crit Care Med 2023; 27 (5):374-376.
Recent amendments to the onerous legal procedure laid down in the Landmark Supreme Court Judgment Common Cause vs The Union of India have aroused widespread interest. The new procedural guidelines of January 2023 appear workable and should ease ethical decision-making toward the end-of-life in India. This commentary provides the backdrop to the evolution of legal provisions for advance directives, withdrawal, and withholding decisions in terminal care.
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