The Effect of Goal-directed Fluid Management based on Stroke Volume Variation on ICU Length of Stay in Elderly Patients Undergoing Elective Craniotomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Citation Information :
Sae-phua V, Tanasittiboon S, Sangtongjaraskul S. The Effect of Goal-directed Fluid Management based on Stroke Volume Variation on ICU Length of Stay in Elderly Patients Undergoing Elective Craniotomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Indian J Crit Care Med 2023; 27 (10):709-716.
Background: Inappropriate fluid management during neurosurgery can increase postoperative complications. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of goal-directed fluid therapy using stroke volume variation (SVV) in elderly patients undergoing elective craniotomy.
Materials and methods: We randomized 100 elderly patients scheduled for elective craniotomy into two groups: goal-directed therapy (GDT, n = 50) group and conventional group (n = 50). Fluid management protocol using SVV was applied in the GDT group. Decisions about fluid and hemodynamic management in the conventional group were made by the anesthesiologist. Perioperative variables including fluid balance, lactate level, and intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay were assessed.
Results: There was no significant difference in ICU length of stay between the two groups: 14 (12, 16.75) hours in GDT group vs 15 (13, 18) hours in control group (p = 0.116). Patients in the GDT group received a significantly less amount of crystalloid compared with the control group: 1311.5 (823, 2018) mL vs 2080 (1420, 2690) mL (p < 0.001). Our study demonstrated a better fluid balance in the GDT group as 342.5 (23, 607) mL compared with the conventional group 771 (462, 1269) mL (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: Intraoperative goal-directed fluid management based on SVV in elderly patients undergoing elective craniotomy did not reduce the ICU length of stay or postoperative complications. It did result in an improved fluid balance with no evidence of inadequate organ perfusion.
Clinical trial registration number: TCTR20190812003.
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